Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wife wishes to be with her lover, files 498a with help from her parents

लीड:: पत्नी से छुटकारा दिलाने की लगाई गुहार

Sep 10, 09:14 pm

-पत्नी ने परिजनों के साथ मिलकर विजयनगर थाने में दर्ज कराया दहेज का मुकदमा
-एसएसपी ने दिये जांच के आदेश
गाजियाबाद, जागरण संवाद केंद्र
पति व ससुरालियों पर दहेज के मुकदमे आए दिन दर्ज कराए जाते हैं। ज्यादातर मामलों में ससुराल पक्ष के लोग विवाहिता को परेशान करते हैं। लेकिन, अब कुछ मामलों में मायके पक्ष के लिए दहेज का मुकदमा हथियार बन गया है। शुक्रवार को विजयनगर थाना क्षेत्र के सेक्टर-12 निवासी कंप्यूटर व्यवसायी एक युवक ने वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधीक्षक रघुबीर लाल से इंसाफ की गुहार लगाई। उसने पत्नी से मुक्ति दिलाने व मायके वालों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की मांग की है।
एसएसपी को लिखे शिकायत पत्र में युवक ने बताया कि उसकी शादी 19 जून 2010 को प्रताप विहार सेक्टर-1 निवासी युवती से हुई थी। वह हनीमून के लिए कश्मीर गए थे। लेकिन, कश्मीर में उसके मोबाइल पर धमकी भरे फोन आने लगे। उसने जब पत्नी से इस संबंध में पूछा तो पत्नी ने स्वीकार किया कि उसका एक प्रेमी भी है। युवती का कहना था कि वह प्रेमी के साथ रहना चाहती है। इस पर पति ने समझाया कि यदि प्रेमी के साथ रहना था तो शादी क्यों की? इतना समझाने पर पत्नी मान गई। पति ने भी खुश होकर पत्नी को एक लाख रुपये की शॅापिंग कश्मीर में ही कराई। लेकिन, आरोप है कि इस बीच भी पत्नी लगातार फोन से प्रेमी के संपर्क में रही। पति ने इसकी शिकायत अपने ससुरालियों से भी की। इसके बावजूद प्रेमी व प्रेमिका में बातचीत का सिलसिला जारी रहा। एक दिन पत्नी की ससुरालियों से किसी बात को लेकर कहासुनी हो गई। इस पर वह मायके चली गई। अब लड़की के मायके वालों ने विजयनगर थाने में पति के खिलाफ ही मुकदमा दर्ज करा दिया। शुक्रवार को पीड़ित पति ने पत्नी से छुटकारा व मायके वालों पर कार्रवाई की मांग की। आरोप है कि उसके ससुरालिये समझौते के नाम पर उससे पच्चीस लाख रुपये मांग रहे हैं। एसएसपी ने दोषियों पर कार्रवाई का आश्वासन दिया है।

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Woman admits to her making-up of rape story

Southampton woman admits making up rape story
A woman who claimed she was raped by a stranger who followed her into her Southampton home in broad daylight has admitted she fabricated the story.

She reported to police that a man got into her home in Wimpson Lane, Millbrook, and then threatened her and raped her on 2 February.

However, detectives who launched an investigation found her story did not add up.

The woman was given an official caution for perverting the course of justice.

After she reported the attack, which she said took place in the afternoon, extra police patrols were put in place in the area.

Det Sgt Steve Spencer, of Hampshire Police, said: "As a direct result of the thorough investigation we conducted it became clear that this reported rape had not occurred.

"The time spent investigating this incident should have been used on a genuine case.

"It is very disappointing that we had to waste our time and resources on this matter but at least the residents in the Wimpson Lane area can be reassured that the reported rapist does not exist."

Woman blackmails husband; poisons him

In India, husband or in-laws can be arrested without investigations on a mere complaint and "allegations" of harassment/cruelty upon a wife.
While, a wife can get away with any crime on husband or her in-laws.

See another case here - a woman blackmails and poisons her husband.
The police is lethargic to act in this case, and the wife is still out and at peace in the environs of her home.

12/Jul/2010 - Greater Noida, U.P., India


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Senior Army personnel falsely accused for Sexual Harassment

First, have a look at this previous news where Lt. Gen. Nanda was coerced to put in his papers just based on the "allegations" of sexual misconduct

And now, when Mr. Nanda has come out clean, media did not report the news how he was forced to quit earlier!!
Nor did the media ask any Qs to the Army staff, whosoever forced Mr. Nanda to quit, whether he'll be reinstated.

And, as usual, any Qs on the integrity and motives of such ill-intentioned woman will never be asked by Media!!

Such is the "SHAKTI" of Indian "ABLA-NAARI"

Lt Gen Nanda not guilty of molestation

Suman Sharma / DNA
Monday, July 12, 2010

New Delhi: The court of inquiry (CoI) probing allegations of sexual misconduct by Lieutenant General AK Nanda is believed to have found the charges levelled against the army officer to be false. Colonel CP Pasricha, technical secretary to Nanda, had complained against his superior for alleged sexual misconduct towards his wife during an official trip to Israel in May.

The CoI is learnt to have found Nanda innocent since Pasricha failed to prove any charges against him. Nanda, engineer-in-chiefwith the army, was facing an inquiry initiated by the Shimla-based Army Research and Training Command.
General officer commanding-in-chief (GOC-in-C), lieutenant general AS Lamba presided over the inquiry.
The CoI, which began on June 17, was adjourned for a short break. It resumed last week after Group Captain Ajay Rathore, defence attache in the Indian embassy in Israel, was summoned as a witness.
Rathore, a Sukhoi pilot in the air force, was called since Pasricha and Nanda have carried out most of their engagements in Israel with him in attendance.
Nanda retires from service in October while Pasricha was posted to Bhopal after the complaint. Army chief General VK Singh’s wife Bharti, who is president of the Army Wives Welfare Association, met the wives of the two officers after Pasricha lodged the complaint. Nanda was later summoned by Singh for an explanation.

Woman burns her two daughters alive

No matter whatever crime woman commit, some or the other blame is always passed on such women's male relative/partner (husband, lover, friend, father-in-law etc.)

Woman burns daughters alive
Tue, Jul 13 10:40 PM

Lucknow, July 13 (PTI):    A woman allegedly burnt her two daughters alive today and buried their bodies in Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh, police said. Acting on a tip-off, police rushed to Lakhimpur Vishnu village and exhumed the bodies of Samiksha (4) and Shivangi (2) whom Niranta Devi had allegedly burnt and buried.

Police said a discord between Devi and her husband is apparently the cause of the crime. The woman has been arrested.

The bodies were sent for postmortem, police said, adding a case has been registered.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Woman fakes kidnapping to swap religion
New Delhi, July 01, 2010

Woman fakes kidnapping to swap religion

The South Delhi Police have recovered a woman who was so keen to convert to Islam that she staged her own kidnapping.
The woman, a boutique owner from Nagpur, who was reportedly kidnapped from Dilli Haat here, was spotted in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh and brought back to the Capital on Thursday.
Varsha Kangra was reported missing from Dilli Haat on June 25 by her husband.
"She was inclined towards to a particular religion and wanted to convert which was objected to by her husband. We found out that she was constantly in touch with several people in Lucknow and Bareilly. This input led to her rescue," said deputy commissioner of police (South) HGS Dhaliwal.
Varsha, her husband Jitendra Kangra and their adopted son had come to the city on vacation and had gone to Dilli Haat along with her cousin.
"Varsha and her cousin went to a washroom and after sometime, Jitendra called her on her mobile phone. Varsha said she had sent her cousin to fetch him. But when he reached near the washroom, he could not find her,” added Dhaliwal.
A little while later, Jitendra received a call from his wife who told him that she had been kidnapped by two-three persons and was inside the boot of their car. After that her cellphone was switched off.
The police conducted raids in the NCR on the basis of information given by the police.
"During interrogation of her relatives and husband, it was found that Varsha had been inclined towards to a particular religion soon after her marriage and wanted to convert but her husband had opposed it. It was further revealed that she was constantly in touch with several people in Lucknow and Bareilly," added Dhaliwal.
The police said Varsha had gone to UP to find ways to convert to the religion of her choice. The police then shifted their focus to the two cities and found Varsha in Bareilly.

Girl students kill their friend by burning her alive
छात्रा को सहेलियों ने ज़िंदा जलाया
19 Sep 2008, 0015 hrs IST,एजेंसियां  
विदिशा: मध्य प्रदेश के विदिशा ज़िले में मामूली विवाद को लेकर यहां एक स्कूली छात्रा को उसके घर पर स्कूल की ही तीन अन्य छात्राओं ने जला
कर मार डाला।

पुलिस ने बताया कि सतपांडा सराय गांव में एक सरकारी स्कूल की सातवीं कक्षा की छात्राएं विनीता और दीपा नौवीं की छात्रा सोनम के साथ मिलकर बुधवार को किसी अन्य छात्रा को बुरी तरह पीट रही थीं कि इसी बीच निधि धाकड़ नाम की छात्रा ने बीच में पड़कर उनसे ऐसा नहीं करने का अनुरोध किया।

इससे गुस्साई तीनों छात्राओं ने मिलकर निधि को पीटना शुरू किया। वह उनके चंगुल से छूटकर अपने घर भागी लेकिन तीनों ने उसका पीछा नहीं छोड़ा। तीनों छात्राओं ने निधि के घर घुसकर उसे अकेला देख उसके घर में रखा मिट्टी का तेल उस पर डाल दिया और आग लगाकर भाग गईं।

चीख-पुकार और धुएं की वजह से पड़ोसी मौके पर पहुंचे और उन्होंने एक कंबल से धू-धू कर जलती निधि को बचाने का प्रयास किया और उसके किसान पिता को सूचना दी। छात्रा के पिता ने उसे तुरंत सरकारी अस्पताल में दाखिल कराया जहां उसकी मौत हो गई। दोषी छात्राओं के खिलाफ पुलिस कार्रवाई कर रही है। पोस्टमॉर्टम के बाद निधि का शव परिजनों के सुपुर्द कर दिया गया है।

Mother of two kills husband for objecting to her affair

प्रेम संबंधों में रोड़ा बने पति की हत्या
Source: Bhaskar News | Last Updated 03:20(01/07/10)
 अवैध संबंधों ने एक मां की आंखों पर ऐसा पर्दा डाला कि उसके दो मासूम बच्चों के सिर से पिता का साया छिन गया। यह काम किसी और ने नहीं बल्कि खुद उनकी मां ने कराया। 

उक्त महिला ने अपने प्रेमी के हाथों पति की हत्या करवा दी, क्योंकि पति को उसके अवैध संबंधों पर एतराज जताता था। मामले का खुलासा होने के बाद पुलिस ने महिला और हत्या में शामिल उसके प्रेमी के दो साथियों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है, जबकि महिला का प्रेमी वारदात का मुख्य आरोपी अभी फरार है। 

आरोपियों ने पूछताछ में बताया कि उन्होंने बेलन से उक्त युवक के सिर पर वार किया था और उसके मुंह में पोटाश ठूंस दी और फिर एयरगन से गले व मुंह पर र्छे मार-मार कर उसे मौत की नींद सुला दिया। शव को वह इंडिका कार में डाल कर ले गए और सरहिंद नहर में ले जाकर फेंक दिया। अभी पुलिस शव को बरामद नहीं कर पाई है। 

मरने वाले का नाम जतिंदर कुमार अवस्थी (32) था। वह रेत, बजरी का कमीशन एजेंट था। गिरफ्तार आरोपियों में जतिंदर कुमार की पत्नी पूजा, निरंकारी मोहल्ला निवासी अमनदीप सिंह उर्फ दीपू और सुखदीप सिंह उर्फ लक्की शामिल हैं। महिला का प्रेमी व मुख्य आरोपी राजिंदर सिंह बॉबी फरार है। उक्त तीनों को मंगलवार शाम पुलिस ने बल्लोके रोड पर नाकाबंदी के दौरान गिरफ्तार किया है। 

अमनदीप और सुखदीप बॉबी के ममेरे भाई हैं। पुलिस को शक है कि बॉबी ने इस वारदात में शामिल होने के लिए अपने ममेरे भाइयांे को रुपए भी दिए हैं। जतिंदर व पूजा की शादी करीब नौ वर्ष पहले हुई थी। इस शादी से उनके 7 व 3 वर्ष के दो बेटे हैं। जतिंदर कुमार अवस्थी गत 24 जून से लापता है। उसके भाई मुनीष अवस्थी ने थाना हैबोवाल में उसके लापता होने की सूचना दर्ज कराई थी। पुलिस उसी दिन से जतिंदर की तलाश कर रही थी। 

एसीपी नरिंदरपाल सिंह के अनुसार इसी बीच मुनीष ने पुलिस को सुराग दिया कि जतिंदर की पत्नी पूजा के पास ही रहने वाले राजिंदर सिंह बॉबी के साथ अवैध संबंध हैं। पुलिस ने इस दिशा में जांच शुरू की। उधर, पुलिस ने मृतक की फोन कॉल डिटेल निकलवाई। अंतिम इनकमिंग करने वाले नंबर पर फोन किया तो आरोपी ने पुलिस का नाम सुनकर फोन स्विच आफ कर दिया। इससे पुलिस का शक और गहरा हो गया। 

जांच में पता चला कि यह फोन नंबर अमनप्रीत के पिता के नाम पर है। पुलिस ने जांच बढ़ाई तो सारी कहानी खुल कर सामने आ गई। थाना हैबोवाल के एसएचओ गुरबिंदर सिंह के अनुसार पूजा मॉडल टाउन में एक कास्मेटिक की दुकान पर काम करती है। बॉबी अकसर उसे वहीं मिला करता था। दोनों के संबंध पिछले करीब ढाई वर्ष से थे। 

इस दौरान पूजा बॉबी के साथ कई जगह घूमने भी जाती रही है। जतिंदर को करीब एक महीने पहले दोनों के संबंधों के बारे में पता चला था। वह पूजा को इसके लिए डांटता था व उसने शराब पीनी शुरू कर दी थी। प्रेम संबंधों में रोड़ा बन रहे पति को हटाने के लिए पूजा ने बॉबी से बात की। गत 24 जून को बॉबी ने फोन करके जतिंदर को अपने घर पर बुलाया। यहां आरोपियों ने उसे बेदर्दी से कत्ल कर दिया और शव फेंक आए। बॉबी कत्ल के बाद से अपनी कार लेकर फरार है। उसके घर पर ताला लगा हुआ है। आरोपी टैक्सी चलाता है। पुलिस को शक है कि उस पर पहले भी कई मामले दर्ज हैं। बॉबी की तीन शादियां हो चुकी हैं। उसका दो पत्नियों से तलाक हो चुका है। 

दो दिन पहले भी की थी कत्ल की कोशिश 

बॉबी व उसके साथियों ने 22 जून को भी जतिंदर को घेर कर कत्ल करने की कोशिश की थी, लेकिन वह इसमें विफल रहे थे। पूजा मंगलवार शाम को हैबोवाल स्थित हनुमान मंदिर जाती थी। जतिंदर उसे मंदिर से लेकर आता था। आरोपियों ने योजना बनाई थी कि वह मंदिर जाते वक्त जतिंदर को घेर कर कत्ल कर देंगे। इस दिन संयोग से जतिंदर को रास्ते में कुछ और पहचान वाले मिल गए थे। इस वजह से आरोपियों की उसको कत्ल करने की योजना विफल हो गई थी। इसके बाद आरोपियों ने दूसरी योजना तैयार की।

Wife kills husband for and with lover

प्रेमी की चाह में मिटाया ‘सिन्दूर’
Source: Bhaskar network | Last Updated 06:54(30/06/10)
 प्रेम में पागलपन की हद तक पहुंच चुकी महिला ने ही प्रेमी के साथ मिलकर पति की हत्या की साजिश रची थी। कत्ल की योजना को अंजाम तक पहुंचाने के लिए वह खुद पति को लेकर बाहर गई थी। कथित प्रेमी ने अपने बहनोई और दोस्त के साथ मिलकर हुकमपुरा के जगदीश जाट की तोलिये से गाड़ी के भीतर ही गला घोंटकर हत्या कर दी थी।

मंगलवार को प्रेस कान्फ्रेंस में हत्या का खुलासा करते हुए पुलिस अधीक्षक विकास कुमार ने बताया कि सीओ ग्रामीण रामप्रकाश शर्मा की टीम ने साइक्लोन सेल की मदद से जगदीश जाट (30) की हत्या में मृतक की पत्नी विमला जाट, उसके प्रेमी नेहरों की ढाणी, धोद निवासी मनोज नेहरा और यहीं रहने वाले मनोज के दोस्त संतोष उर्फ धोलिया उर्फ जेपी को हत्या के मामले में गिरफ्तार किया। हत्या में शामिल मनोज का बहनोई अनोखू गांव का बंशीलाल फरार है, जिसकी तलाश जारी है।

पुलिस जांच में सामने आया कि 1996 में शादी के कुछ दिन बाद ही जगदीश नौकरी के लिए मस्कत चला गया था। दो साल पहले विमला के बलवीर के ही दूर के रिश्तेदार मनोज नेहरा से संबंध स्थापित हो गए। महीने भर पहले मस्कत से लौटा जगदीश दोनों के बीच दीवार बन गया। दोनों का मिलना-जुलना ही नहीं फोन पर बात करना तक मुश्किल हो गया। एक बार तो फोन पर जगदीश ने मनोज से गाली-गलौज भी की थी। पति के शक गहराने पर मनोज ने अपना नंबर बदल लिया। लिहाजा दोनों ने फोन पर ही हत्या की साजिश बनाकर उसे अंजाम दे दिया। हत्या के बाद भी दोनों के बीच कई बार बात हुई।

शराब पिलाकर गला घोंटा

पुलिस के मुताबिक 19 जून को बाजार चलने के बहाने विमला अपने पति को घर से बाहर ले गई। विमला ने मनोज को इसकी सूचना पहले ही दे दी। मनोज अपने बहनोई और दोस्त के साथ जीप लेकर लोसल पहुंच गया। बाजार से लौटते समय लिफ्ट के बहाने विमला ने जीप रुकवा ली और पति-पत्नी उसमें बैठ गए। दूर का रिश्तेदार होने के कारण जगदीश मनोज को पहचानता नहीं था। गांव के पास विमला उतर गई, लेकिन जगदीश को तीनों ने उतरने नहीं दिया। उसे चाकू दिखाकर जीप में ही बैठे रहने को कहा गया।

उसी दौरान मनोज ने जगदीश को बताया कि वही उसकी पत्नी को फोन करता था, जिसके साथ उसने एक बार गाली-गलौज भी की थी। मामला निपटाने के बहाने जबरन उसे मोरडूंगा की ओर ले गए। रास्ते में चारों ने शराब पी। मौका देखकर गाड़ी के भीतर ही तौलिये से गला घोंटकर जगदीश की हत्या कर दी गई और लाश सड़क पर फेंक दी। पुलिस ने हत्या में प्रयुक्त तौलिया और जीप बरामद कर ली। हत्या में सहअभियुक्त संतोष उर्फ धौलिया सैकण्डरी का छात्र है। दोस्त का साथ देने के लिए वह जगदीश की हत्या में शामिल हुआ।

‘विमला को छोड़ दो साब’

पूछताछ के दौरान मनोज इतना भावुक हो गया कि पुलिस के आगे रो पड़ा। बोला, साब मुझे सजा दे दो, लेकिन मेरी विमला को छोड़ दो। मेरी विमला को कुछ नहीं होना चाहिए। मैं किसी कीमत पर उसे पाकर रहूंगा। पुलिस ने बताया कि विमला 27 साल की है, जबकि मनोज उससे चार साल छोटा है। विमला का ग्यारह साल का एक बेटा भी है।

Woman kills husband with firewood
Karnataka - Bangalore

Man clubbed to death
Staff Reporter
Bangalore: A 35-year-old woman allegedly murdered her husband by hitting him on the head with firewood at their residence in J.P. Nagar in the early hours of Monday.
The police said that alleged torture at the hands of her alcoholic husband drove the accused to club him to death in his sleep.
Police gave the name of the victim as Appaji (40), a resident of J.P. Nagar sixth phase. The police have arrested Shivarathna, the accused.
Appaji and Shivarathna were married for 15 years and have three daughters. The couple are natives of Mallanayakanahalli in Maddur taluk. Appaji was working as a watchman and mason at a building under construction in J.P. Nagar.

Nurse arrested for multiple thefts
Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad 

Nurse arrested, jewellery recovered

Staff Reporter
HYDERABAD: A nurse, who took to stealing to lead a luxurious lifestyle and burgled 12 houses in the past six months, was arrested by the Trimulgherry police on Monday.
Diamond jewellery worth Rs. 20 lakh allegedly stolen by the woman, Mary Sunitha, from the house of the daughter of Kotla Suryaprakash Reddy, MP, in Visakhapatnam was recovered from her. The accused was earlier arrested by the Punjagutta police. Sunitha from Guntur split with her husband and started living separately. “Yearning for a lavish lifestyle, she started committing thefts,” the Trimulgherry Inspector, P. Sridhar, said. The woman would join hostels for working women , befriend inmates moving closely with them and disappear with whatever she could lay her hands on within two or three days. She also used to approach homes for the aged and through them inquire if any rich family required maids. She allegedly joined for work in the house of Niveditha Reddy, daughter of the MP, in May and disappeared with the jewellery.

Wife harasses husband, drives him to suicide

Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad
Lecturer commits suicide
HYDERABAD: A lecturer working in a corporate college committed suicide by hanging himself at his house at RTC Colony in Ramanthapur on Sunday midnight following a family dispute.
Police said that G. Banu Prakash (29), hailing from Nizamabad district, was working in a corporate college in Ramanthapur.
A suicide note stated that he was committing suicide due to harassment by his wife Naga Jyothi and her parents over trivial issues, according to police.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Woman involved in fraud in name of self help group

Three held for cheating
Staff Reporter
Tirunelveli: A three-member gang was arrested here on Thursday on charges of committing a series of fraudulent activities. Police said that the trio collected upto Rs. 10 lakh from people.
Based on complaints about cheating from the residents of Maavadi in Nanguneri taluk, a special team . nabbed the gang. Investigations revealed that Gangadevi, alias Jenifer, (44) was the brain behind the frauds. Jenifer had cheated many people after assuring them that bank loans would be sanctioned. Under the pretext of taking loans in favour of a women's self-help group “Sooryagandhi” in Pallikondankudiyiruppu in Maavadi, Jenifer swindled one Reginal, the SHG leader, of Rs. 4 lakh. Another resident, Annaparvathi of Maavadi Kulathukudiyiruppu, was also deceived. Sheik Babu (38) and S. Balasubramanian, Branch Manager, Pandyan Grama Bank, Koodangulam were also arrested.

Woman kills and buries husband

Killing husbands with help from paramours is becoming a fashion of sorts through out India

Andhra Pradesh - Anantapur

Woman kills husband
Staff Reporter
Anantapur: A woman allegedly killed her husband with the help of her paramour at Veerapallepeta in Kadiri mandal here on Wednesday.
According to the Patnam police, the accused Shakunthala with the help of her paramour killed Nagireddy and buried him in the bathroom of her house and later gave the impression that Nagireddy was missing. However her mother-in-law Kondamma got suspicious on noticing her Shakunthala taking bath outside instead of using the bathroom.
Suspecting something fishy she went into the bathroom and found a foul smell emanating from it. She complained to the villagers and they dug up the bathroom and found the body of Nagireddy. The police took Shakuntala into custody for questioning. The Patnam police have registered a case and investigation is on.


Cop father-son duo false accused by woman for dowry harassment

This lady works for IT sector, which invariably means a kind of comfortable working conditions like AC office, 5-day a week work etc.
Her husband and father both work for police. And she expects her husband to be available to her all time to fulfill all her demands.
The main issue here is not dowry but the different working timings due to altogether different working profiles.
When thinking of taking divorce it would have occurred to her that being working herself she would get less or no money as maintenance; and, how can she leave the husband and father-in-law's black money behind when separating.
Pat comes the solution in form of dowry harassment complaint!!!
MUMBAI: A father-son duo, employed with the Mumbai police, has been booked in a dowry case along with four other family members. The complaint was filed by Shreya aka Ratnaprabha (26), who is married to Sachin Jadhav (29), a constable. 

Sachin’s father Chandrakant (54) is an assistant sub-inspector at the JJ Marg police station. Shreya, in her complaint, has stated that her in-laws were demanding a dowry of Rs 5 lakh. One of her main grouse is that her husband didn’t return home early from work. A sessions court has granted anticipatory bail to all the six accused. 

Sachin and Shreya tied the knot in February 2009. They lived with Sachin’s parents, Chandrakant and Sangeeta, at Byculla. Shreya used to work in the IT sector. 

In her statement to the Agripada police, Shreya stated that her husband used to return home late from work. She has claimed that Sachin gave her evasive replies every time she asked him about his late arrival. This, Shreya has alleged, forced her to stay up late. She has also said that staying up late upset her routine and made it difficult for her to juggle her job with household chores. 

“Shreya has told us that the Jadhavs were putting pressure on her to get her to get money from her parents so that they could buy a new house,’’ a police officer said. “She claims she was taunted and abused verbally. Sachin’s sister Jyoti and cousins—Neelam Vidhate and Anita Bankar— have also been accused of harassment,’’ said the officer. While Vidhate lives in Junnar, Bankar resides in Lonavla. 

Sachin’s counsel, MA Khan, said the constable had to rush for emergency as well as bandobast duties at odd hours. “As a result, he had to spend a lot of time away from his family,” said Khan. 

The court granted anticipatory bail to all the accused on the grounds that their custody wasn’t required. “The Jadhavs are willing to return all the valuables that Shreya had brought at the time of the marriage,’’ Khan said. 

Meanwhile, Shreya has filed for maintenance in a court at Sangamner in Ahmednagar, her hometown. She is currently living with her parents in Vashi.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dowry harassment case after 31 years of marriage

Another classic example of how anti-dowry laws like IPC 498A are being misused with full police and legal support.
Woman claims to being tortured for dowry for past 31 years, and claims she had to take legal recourse because as the torture became unbearable.

What a strong woman indeed to bear tortures for 31 years - Govt should really contemplate awarding her some medals like "Shaurya Chakra", "Paramveer Chakra" !!

The idiotic husband and his family - what a slow pace of torture that it took 31 years for them to take the torture to the unbearable level !!

By the way, "brokers in uniform" i.e. the police did try preliminary rounds of extortion failing which they moved to FIR to extort legally.

शादी के 31 साल बाद पति पर दहेज प्रताड़ना
Source: Bhaskar News | Last Updated 06:03(31/05/10)
 विवाह के 31 बरस गुजरने के बाद महिला ने अपने पति पर दहेज प्रताड़ना की रिपोर्ट दर्ज करायी है। काउंसिलिंग में बातचीत के जरिये विवाद को सुलझाने की कोशिश विफल होने के बाद पुलिस ने दहेज प्रताड़ना का केस दर्ज कर लिया है। 

पचास वर्षीय पीड़ित महिला कविता ने अपने पति लखानीचंद के साथ-साथ परिवार के अन्य चार सदस्यों को भी इस केस में शामिल किया है। उसने पुलिस में रिपोर्ट दर्ज करायी है कि मायके से पैसा लाने के लिए उसे बरसों से प्रताड़ित किया जा रहा था। शादी के बाद से वह उनकी प्रताड़ना सह रही थी। जब उस पर जुल्म बढ़ गया तब उसने पुलिस की मदद ली। पुलिस ने रविवार को अपराध पंजीबद्ध किया। आरोपियों की गिरफ्तारी नहीं हुई है। 

पुलिस ने बताया कि लखानीचंद एसबीआई कालोनी फाफाडीह के रहने वाले हैं। उनका विवाह 29 नवंबर 1979 को हुआ था। विवाह के इतने बरस बाद दहेज प्रताड़ना का केस दर्ज होने से यह केस पुलिस महकमें में ही चर्चा का विषय बना हुआ है। सीएसपी मनीषा ठाकुर ने बताया कि प्रताड़ना का केस दर्ज कराने के लिए किसी तरह की समय सीमा का बंधन नहीं है। काउंसिलिंग के माध्यम से पीड़ित महिला का पक्ष सुना गया। उसकी शिकायतों का परीक्षण करने के बाद ही मामला पंजीबद्ध किया गया है। क्रिमिनल लायर फैसल रिजवी का कहना है कि दहेज का केस किसी भी आयु में दर्ज हो सकता है।

Hoax bomb scare - Woman let off with no arrest

Woman just don't leave any opportunity to nag their husband and also to take full advantage of the sympathy showered upon them by the media, society and the judges!!
As if not satisfied enough with nagging her husband, she went ahead to make a hoax bomb scare at the husband's employer which is a bank.
Obviously, she had scant regards as to the sensitivity of the issue and inconvenience it caused to the bank, customers and authorities.
Strange is the modus operandi of the police in this case. Normal course is to arrest the person who makes such hoax calls. But, all such "normal course" was bent to suit for the woman!!

Some samples below on how men making hoax bomb calls were arrested:


Woman makes bomb scare call to bank, let off with warning
Special Correspondent
CHENNAI: Tired of asking her husband to take leave and spend time with her, a woman allegedly called a private bank in Parrys where he works early on Wednesday and warned of bomb blasts.
Her intention was that the bank would close down for the day and her husband, who works there as a security guard, might come home early. An hour later, police personnel swooped down on the house and took the woman into custody for interrogation. According to police sources, the private bank authorities received a phone call around 8 a.m. that a bomb would explode in the premises. On information, police and Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad personnel conducted a thorough check and declared the threat as a hoax.
Since the caller’s number was recorded in the bank’s telephone, police located the suspect’s house in Vysarpadi and went there. Scared on seeing the police, the woman confessed to making the call.
“She thought that the bank would close down following the bomb scare. The fact remains that she had no intention of committing any crime. Her idea was only to spend more time with her husband. We referred her to a counseling centre,” Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) M. Shakeel Akhter said. Though the routine process would be to register a case and arrest the accused, the Chennai Police took a lenient view and let the woman go. Her husband was also advised to spend more time with family, a police official added.

Narcotics - Woman gets only light punishment

Woman having a cache of 10kg narcotics is let of with light imprisonment and fine
Not many men folks are as lucky to get away with light punishments once found guilty!!!

New Delhi: A Delhi court has awarded lighter punishment of six months' prison term to a woman for possessing ganja, taking into account the fact that there is no one else to look after her physically-challenged son.
Additional Sessions Judge Sanjiv Jain imposed a fine of Rs.30,000 on Gullo Devi after holding her guilty under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.
The court also awarded the 55-year-old woman a six-month prison term that she has already served during her judicial custody.

Gullo Devi was arrested on May 30, 2006, for allegedly possessing 10 kg of ganja, declared as a controlled drug under the NDPS Act. She was convicted under Section 20(b)(ii) of the NDPS Act for possessing ganja which carries maximum punishment of five years besides the fine.
During arguments on the quantum of sentence, she submitted that she has the responsibility of bringing up five children and her eldest son is a patient of polio and dependent on her even for basic needs. “The proceedings reveal that she was released on interim bail on the ground of examination of her child as there was no other to look after his well-being. Keeping in view the special circumstances and the pathetic condition of her child and the fact that after this incident she is not involved in trafficking of drug and has rehabilitated herself, I am not inclined to incarcerate the accused further,” the Judge said. - PTI

Woman kills alcoholic husband

Woman kills her husband, but here the media is trying to justify how she did the right thing - she was FED-UP, OK!!!!

Wonder and eager to see a media report justifying a man killing a woman for being fed-up!!
By the way, in the same news, they did not deem fit to justify how and why the man turned an alcoholic.

Fed-up woman kills alcoholic husband
Bangalore June 21 DH News Service

A 40-year-old security guard was found dead in JP Nagar 6th Phase on Monday, and police suspect he was killed by his wife during a quarrel between the two.

Police said Appaji, a security guard returned to his house on 16th main in an inebriated state. He and his wife Shivarathna had a row over his salary. In a rage, Shivarathna picked up a heavy stick and hit him on his head. Appaji died of severe injuries on the spot. 

Hailing from Maddur, the couple had been living in Bangalore for several years now. They have three kids. Appaji was a compulsive drinker and would spend most of his salary on alcohol. This led to marital discord between the couple, who quarrelled over the issue frequently. This forced Shivarathna to go to her parents’ house and she had returned only on Sunday. JP Nagar police have arrested a case against Shivarathna.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Woman advocate arrested on misappropriation charge

Staff Reporter
TIRUNELVELI: Police have arrested a woman advocate for allegedly misappropriating the funds of a self-help group.
According to Superintendent of Police Asra Garg, A. Francis Ruby of Achchampaadu village near Valliyoor is a member of a self-help group headed by lawyer S. Pon Mari, wife of one Sudhakar, also an advocate. As Ms. Ruby and fourteen others came to know that their money had been siphoned off without their consent, they filed a complaint with the SP against Pon Mari.
When Mr. Garg forwarded the complaint to District Crime Branch DSP Balakrishnan, he found that the funds of the SHG had been misappropriated by her. The DSP arrested her on Sunday.

Woman kills new born

Killing of children by own mother is not a new thing.
It's prevalent since the days of Mahabharata - remember 'Ganga' who was married to king Shantanu and killed her 8 off-springs one after the other.
Read more on this here - Shantanu - The King of oppressed men

Woman ‘kills' new-born
Staff Reporter
HYDERABAD:A 21-year-old woman allegedly smothered to death her new-born girl child after putting her in a bucket filled with water at her house at Kukatpally on Sunday morning, police said.
S. Sujatha initially told her neighbours that three unidentified persons wearing masks entered her house and tied her hands with a rope. They threw chilli powder in her eyes and killed her one-and-a-half-month-old baby by putting her in a bucket, she claimed. “We did not find any traces of chilli powder in her eyes. After questioning her, she confessed to committing the crime,” police said.